Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Peek into the Lyrically Erotic World of Elizabeth Woodham's "Short, Provocative Erotica" series.

Hello Readers, Chase here and I am thrilled to feature the absolutely brilliant Elizabeth Woodham as she grabs a seat and gives us all a peek into the "Short, Provocative Erotica" series. This series isn't the everyday erotica you are used to. It should be approached as it's own entity, a different canvas adorned with the art of her words. Reading this series is like skipping pebbles across the water. You stop here for a brief moment and glimpse something ethereal that leaves you with a hunger for more before skipping off to your next, brief encounter. On your next splash on the surface a different, yet familiar dreamscape takes holds of your senses, briefly as well, before flinging you on to your next encounter. And so the journey continues...

Now, Dear Readers, Elizabeth in her own words:

I adore the creative arts. Passionate about all forms of literature from a very young age; I was encouraged in many artistic pursuits including singing, playing the guitar and drama. Writing is something I’ve always done; I still have the first attempts in my attic at home. Secret Narrative was born about six years ago and launched on line in 2011. This year I met Chloe Thurlow and inspired by her work and many other aspects of her life, I added ‘The Little Red Kilt’ to a series called ‘Short, Provocative Erotica’ Lately, it seems as if the ‘muse’ must exist; it triggered Lily’s Mute Letter that I originally put into a collection of ‘Blossoms’ and ‘Lazuline’, which ran off in one hit over the course of only a day, and took about a week to edit. I see the ‘Short, Provocative Erotica’ stories as a microscopic glimpse into eroticism. Deliberately brief, I’m trying to create a delicious taste, a morsel which is satisfying but doesn’t satiate.


Songwriters and musicians create stunning music, it doesn’t have to be a symphony or a piece requiring the whole orchestra, it can be a beautiful composition for one instrument or a lone voice and is just as powerful as if it were one of the majestic pieces of music used in cinematography. I feel that there is too much emphasis on the ‘value for money’ aspect of publishing by independent authors, stories being viewed as ‘unworthy’ if they fall below a certain word count or are set in the ‘wrong’ price bracket. Embracing the independent publishing revolution is positively perfect (I love alliteration particularly with plosives) and there is room for everyone.


For me, the most important pursuit is experimentation, to write for pleasure, and if others enjoy it, buy it, share it, that’s a hugely delightful bonus. Entertaining others is one of the most compelling things about writing and another is in writing my muse, is in loving my muse, making sure that I listen to my muse and keep listening, we’re all moved by some form of creative art, we should find our artistic niche and live it.


Get a copy of Lazuline exclusive to Amazon


Elizabeth’s website: http://www.secretnarrative.com
Chloe Thurlow at Facebook https://www.facebook.com/chloe.thurlow.5 



  1. I love that you write your heart, Elizabeth. Truly you are a voice that speaks to the soul. Your shorts are like poems to me. Direct, provocative, and sometimes haunting. Thank you for remaining true to your vision. It makes you not only stand out, but your writing will be savored long after 'erotic' fads of the day have passed.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you Red x

  2. Wonderful writing, excellent presentation, I will be following Ms Woodham's career closely from this day on. Lee
